Chicken sh
Chicken sh

The real reason all of this chicken is so cheap is because the whole process is managed by a small handful of big companies. If the farmers aren’t running their farms, who is?” Oh, glad you asked.

chicken sh

You can’t control whether you run out of feed or not.” “Wait. “You can’t control how much feed you get. It doesn’t make sense that he’d tolerate animal suffering like this. “There is a certain amount of exhilaration in getting 100,000 birds and day-old chicks and then raising them.” Greg is a hard-working American and an experienced poultry farmer. I’ve been a poultry grower for 22 years now.” He runs a farm in Georgia, and he fell in love with chicken farming when he was just 7 years old. It could be in Georgia, could be in Arkansas, could be in Alabama - anywhere where chickens are grown, in the United States, especially.” So here’s another farmer who will talk to you. He’s scared for reasons you’ll understand in a few minutes. The guy who runs this farm doesn’t want to talk. But to show you why, I need you to meet one of the farmers. “They just burn millions of chickens? That doesn’t sound like a good business model.” Oh, that’s part of the reason the cheap chicken business model works so well. Add up every factory farm in the U.S., and you have around 450 million chickens dying every year. That’s a mortality rate of about 5 percent, and that’s the average across the whole country. So they’re on their back, wings up, and they’ve had a heart attack because their heart has been exhausted by this growth.” Yeah, chickens die before they even make it to the slaughterhouse - a lot of them - about 4,000 on this one farm alone in a six-week period, from dehydration, heart attacks and disease. A typical thing you will see is a flipped-over bird. “Something’s wrong with her legs, and she can’t find her balance.

chicken sh

Their small bodies struggle to support the extra weight. Alongside decades of selective breeding, this means they now grow six times faster than a century ago, with lots of juicy breast meat. More light makes the birds excited and burn more calories. If you’ve eaten one of these chickens, you’ve eaten an animal that had burns somewhere on their body.” These conditions are the byproduct of a system designed to maximize profits and satisfy your appetite for cheap chicken. “These are the birds that are going to supermarket, to restaurant chains, to wherever you’re eating chicken. I don’t even want to - ugh.” If you eat cheap chicken in America today, this is almost certainly how it lives. And they have very labored breath, and you can see their eyes are glassy. You’d only go a few steps before you’d see a bird with the leg splayed out to one side or back deformed. Red, raw, bedsore-looking belly from laying on the litter like that all the time. That’s a burn from the ammonia on his foot. All of these birds - tens of thousands of birds - are defecating, and the ammonia produces burns on their chest and on the pad of their feet. It’s the most barren environment possible. I am not prepared for the smell, for this wall of ammonia that hits you. She’s on a mission to end factory farming. “When I enter one of these houses, it’s like you’re entering a nuclear waste site.” This is Leah Garcés. “Where are we?” On a farm, raising chickens for Pilgrim’s Pride, one of the biggest poultry producers in the country. It’s almost impossible to get inside one of these buildings.

chicken sh

I -” What I’m about to show you is very rare. You think chicken’s cheap? “I never really -” Come on, let me show you the true cost of your cheap chicken. Of course, chicken - natural, organic, antibiotic-free. Lasagna? Nope, Adam won’t eat burned noodles.” “Wait.

chicken sh

What time do I need to pick up Andy? There’s nothing in the fridge for dinner again. Transcript See the True Cost of Your Cheap Chicken Modern poultry farming keeps chicken cheap but steals the dignity of both animal and farmer.

Chicken sh