Shape collage ideas
Shape collage ideas


And it's not only available for the Mac - there are Windows, Linux, and even Java versions, so there should be nothing holding you back from giving it a try, and then dropping a few coins into Vincent's tipjar for doing such a great job. Now, I'll mention it one more time: Shape Collage (click for the main program page) is free. Select photos and a shape and your photo collage is ready Phinsh is a collage maker for unlimited number of photos (use more than 20, 50, 100, 200 pictures in one collage).


In the last post, plain, white, acid free tissue paper was made colorful with acrylic paint and stamped patterns (example below). Easy peasey, fun art, you can create alone or in a group, with kids, or adults, or both. But his email was a good impetus for me to finally get around to sharing it with the rest of you. Let’s layer some creative collage ideas with no drawing skills required. Shape Collage turns your collage of photos into a picture. He was pleasantly surprised to know I'd already downloaded it. Using Shape Collage you can use clip arts, text, and funky shapes as templates for your collage. Of course you can always take someone’s initials and create photo collages right on top of them. Created a collage of photos and other memorabilia from her first year of marriage in the kitchen 10. The serendipity I mentioned above was that just today I received an email from Vincent Cheung, the guy who wrote the program, wondering if I'd be interested in seeing it. We love this idea Elsa pulled off from A Beautiful Mess. While this might seem overwhelming, look at it from another perspective: collage frees you up from the rules of drawing or painting and allows you to explore your unique artistic language.


No muss, no fuss, it just works, and it's a great way to take a series of connected images and turn then into something fun. It will size and space the pictures into a collage, which you can then print out, or use on a website, or as a wallpaper. Looking for a unique gift to give this holiday season With Shape Collage, its.

shape collage ideas

The idea is pretty simple: pick a batch of photos, decide if you want a shape like a square, or a heart, or maybe some text, and set Shape Collage to work. Holiday Gift Ideas: Collage Posters, Cards, and More. It's a really neat program, basically automating something people used to do by hand with real photos: making a collage. Play dough shape mats Students can create play dough shapes on these shape mats.

shape collage ideas shape collage ideas

Then add arms, legs, eyes and hair using cut up pipe cleaners, small popsicle sticks, toothpicks, and googly eyes. You can have a replica of Kates artwork with just a little bit of cutting and pasting. Students use the shape cookie cutters to create the body.


A couple weeks ago, this cool, free program called Shape Collage was mentioned as a pick on Mac Break Weekly, one of Leo Laporte's podcasts. This collage is particularly easy to make because Kates Creative Space generously offers a printable download of both the birds and the nest.

Shape collage ideas